
Hi Everyone! So I just figured out I would like to build an exoskeletion, preferably using an already available open source design. Probably improving it a bit if I can.

The designs I found so far

Here is the list of designs (with the available references).

  1. Alice Open Source Exoskeleton (2021 edition)
  2. The GitHub topic for exoskeletons
  3. ReStore, ReWalk (commercial development): an article can be found here (in Hungarian)

These need to be explained a bit, get a few good ideas and separate the whole exoskeleton projects from just the code and control. This will happen in the next few chapters.

For the work to start, we need a good Power Supply (why not DIY? :) ).

Alice Open Source Exoskeleton

There is a website, at which you can ask for codes, CAD-models, drawings etc. It is here. I guess it needs to be a collaboration, they want to know that you won’t sell their OpenSource product. Just a thought and if that is the case, I agree with that.

GitHub Exoskeletons

I list and describe here only the full exoskeleton designs and mention a bit the others (maybe they’ll be good for the own design).

  1. RehabiliGait (detailed PDF description). Seems quite complete. With designs, software (GitHub repo) and theory.
  2. Robotic hand project (not found the drawings yet). Software way seems to be complete.
  3. Lightweight Exoskeleton with Assistive Power (LEAP): seems to be a complete work. Need to investigate. There is a newer repo, which only contains code.

This is it so far. I intend to continue this research, this is a base for now.

EDIT (2022. July 14.): It is useful to check Thingiverse for designs as well, e.g. this seems kind of cool.

EDIT (2022. July 26.): I also found Printables, Free3D, Thanks, Howtomechatronics (this is more like electronics projects, not 3D models), Instructables (also more like a DIY than models), 3DContentCentral, All3DP, a collection for 3D model sites.