Open source exoskeleton designs
Hi Everyone! So I just figured out I would like to build an exoskeletion, preferably using an already available open source design. Probably improving it a bit if I can.
The designs I found so far
Here is the list of designs (with the available references).
- Alice Open Source Exoskeleton (2021 edition)
- The GitHub topic for exoskeletons
- ReStore, ReWalk (commercial development): an article can be found here (in Hungarian)
These need to be explained a bit, get a few good ideas and separate the whole exoskeleton projects from just the code and control. This will happen in the next few chapters.
For the work to start, we need a good Power Supply (why not DIY? :) ).
Alice Open Source Exoskeleton
There is a website, at which you can ask for codes, CAD-models, drawings etc. It is here. I guess it needs to be a collaboration, they want to know that you won’t sell their OpenSource product. Just a thought and if that is the case, I agree with that.
GitHub Exoskeletons
I list and describe here only the full exoskeleton designs and mention a bit the others (maybe they’ll be good for the own design).
- RehabiliGait (detailed PDF description). Seems quite complete. With designs, software (GitHub repo) and theory.
- Robotic hand project (not found the drawings yet). Software way seems to be complete.
- Lightweight Exoskeleton with Assistive Power (LEAP): seems to be a complete work. Need to investigate. There is a newer repo, which only contains code.
This is it so far. I intend to continue this research, this is a base for now.
EDIT (2022. July 14.): It is useful to check Thingiverse for designs as well, e.g. this seems kind of cool.
EDIT (2022. July 26.): I also found Printables, Free3D, Thanks, Howtomechatronics (this is more like electronics projects, not 3D models), Instructables (also more like a DIY than models), 3DContentCentral, All3DP, a collection for 3D model sites.